I've decided to nominate Kate Kendall as the Yes on Prop 8 Buttgirl. Kate's the Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and a huge opponent of Prop 8. She's my Buttgirl because she hasn't the class, style or good taste to concede defeat. Like the song says:
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.
Here's Kate at the NO ON 8 headquarters, agonizing over the gloomy numbers as the votes are tallied. Think you can come up with a caption? I sure can...

-If there's anything l can do....
-I really shouldn't impose on you.
-No, really. Anything.
-It's just that I. I don't think l should be alone tonight.
But enough of wit and humor. Back to the election aftermath. With 97% of the votes counted and a Prop 8 defeat out of reach and every news service in the country declaring the yes side the winner, Kate and some eunuch named Geoff issued this press release...

Classy, huh?
So what are the No on 8 dweebs doing now that their Dignity Diddle is in deadly disarray?
For starters, they trashed West Hollywood last night. Real bright. Took a dump on their own neighborhood. That'll sure as fuck show the rest of us who's boss!
Then they marched on the Latter Day Saints Church in Westwood. Seems someone told them Prop 8 is a Mormon Conspiracy to take control of the KNOWN UNIVERSE. I contacted one of the March Organizers, a Mister Matthew Bader (pictured below), who explained it's not just the Mormons. It's plots within plots within plots, yielding up a classic inside-the-beltway circle jerk connecting the dots between politicians, lobbyists, shadowy foreign nationals, POWs and Islamic terrorists, not to mention Asian Power Broker Joker Arroyo and fugitive Mafia Financier Frank "Frankie Five Angels" Pentangelo and the late Jimmy Hoffa and Lee Harvey Oswald. It seems the Colombian Cocaine Kingpins and the Israeli Arms Dealers are in the mix as well. And oh yeah, there's a sinister back-channel money-laundering scheme to finance Brenda's amnesia operation so she can remember what Lance told her about Heather's motel rendezvous with Drake on the day Monica put strychnine in Lizbeth's gumbo and...

Time to concede, Kate! Concede!

I thought I had nasty things to say on my blog. You are disgusting and your blog is vile.
You make me ashamed to be a playwright.
You strike me as a compelling argument for mandatory post-natal birth control when a finding of mental deficiency is made.
If your blog sucks this hard, I'd hate to read your "work."
You strike me, too, Monsieur Anon
I think your Blog is witty and funny keep up the good work I applaud You Sir!
Thank you, Eric. Do me a favor? Email tarhearted and Anon and tell them to chill out and go get laid...
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