So, whether you like it or not, get ready for Prop 8.
Here's the text:

Pretty simple, huh? And like Jewel once said, "What's simple is true."
Good news, by the way. Looks like it's gonna pass. Here's the summary of the just-completed Marist Poll:
According to the latest poll from California, those fighting for the defense of traditional marriage have a nine point advantage over activists seeking state recognition of same-sex marriage.
The poll released on Tuesday afternoon reports that the drive to pass Proposition 8 is leading among likely voters 52 to 43 percent. If Proposition 8 passes, it will amend the state Constitution to say, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in the state of California.”
The poll also shows that Proposition 8 leads in every region of California except the San Francisco Bay Area, where 58% are opposed to the measure.
Fifty two percent of likely California voters believe the ruling was wrong to have overturned the 2000 referendum (Proposition 22) in which voters approved reserving marriage for opposite-sex couples, and 72 percent believe the decision should be left to the voters, the poll found.
The Marist College Institute of Public Opinion, which conducted the poll between September 28 and October 5, 2008, also uncovered some results that point to the cultural and moral uncertainty surrounding the controversial issue of homosexual marriage. For instance, more than half of the 43 percent against the bill said they were likely to change their mind when reminded that Proposition 8 would not affect same-sex couples’ ability to form civil unions. Moreover, 88 percent of those in favor of civil unions said they viewed marriage as between one man and one woman.
Pollsters also found that when the implications for religious freedom were considered, the voting patterns changed. Close to one third of those voting "no" on 8 and a significant number of undecided voters – would be more likely to vote "yes" if the proposition’s failure were to compromise the tax exempt status of religious schools or if children in public schools were taught that marriage was a relationship “between any two adults.”
Other results showed that 49 percent of likely voters believe that if clergy or religious institutions were threatened with lawsuits or the loss of their tax-exempt status, then same-sex marriage should not be recognized.
Additionally, 79 percent of all likely voters believe that if Proposition 8 fails, clergy should not be required to perform same-sex marriages if it violates their religious convictions.
Sounds like someone's gonna get another asskicking. Again. Some people never learn.
What was it Einstein said?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Oh well....

Ahhh, yes, petunia. It's all just a big Mormon conspiracy....
Thanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle
I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I
can do one thing with it.
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