Some people feel sorry for them. It's a natural tendency. They see pictures on the news channels of Palestinian children all bloody and frightened and they think, "How awful! Someone should do something!"
Such people manifest a condition known as the Baby Seal Syndrome. Remember the baby seals? A classic animal rights fund-raising ploy. They'd show you a picture of a cute, cuddly baby seal staring up at you with those sad helpless eyes and you'd melt and end up writing a big check to stop the killing.
Palestinians are not baby seals. They're not cute and cuddly. Fact is, they're not much of anything. When you get right down to it, they're little more than a pack of not-very-photogenic country shitkickers.
So much for visuals. What's more to the point is what's happening, if anything, between their ears. Is there any gray matter in there? If yes, is it functioning or is it dormant? This is a legitimate question. For you'd think, after 50 odd years of getting their collective asses kicked, a light bulb would switch on over at least one of them. But no.
You'd think, after considering the enormous imbalance in weaponry between themselves and the Israelis, the Palestinian leadership would tread lightly in order to not provoke the other side. But no.
You'd think, if something's not working and hasn't worked for a long time, that someone amongst them would say, "This isn't working. We need to change." But no.
Face it. There are no Obamas in Palestinianland. No one is crying out for change. Hamas ain't change. It's nothing more than the same old shit rebranded.
Which brings us back to dumb.
Evidence of really dumb things done by Palestinians. Not long ago, they fired off some rockets at Israel, one of which destroyed an Israeli kindergarten. Happily, no one was there at the time. The Israelis retaliated by shelling a Palestinian school, killing 40 children. Dumb. You don't provoke a lion. Unless you're another lion.
Years ago, Saddam Hussein's uncle, Khairallah Tulfah, authored a pamphlet entitled, Three Whom God Should not Have Created: Persians, Jews and Flies.
He was one short. There are four. He forgot to include the Palestinians.
You are a fucking shithead. You'd have to be, with your head shoved that far up your ass. You are a sad pathetic disgusting excuse for a human being.
Ooooh, touched a nerve on Mister Anonymous...
I agree with everything except the baby part. Not trying to start anything, but the babies are innocent. They don't deserve any of this. Neither do any of the children. The countries leaders should think long and hard about how the children and the BABIES are affected by all of this. That picture of the baby covered in blood does act as a 'baby seal' because there is no way in hell that it deserves what it's being exposed to. The adults should really think about it a bit more than they already are doing.
Good points, Cathy. I agree with you....mostly...
I think u need to get your grey matter to function if it did function u would not write such crap you are clearly amongst the blind that cannot see and may the Lord always keep u misguided for u will neva gain knowledge go to palestine and see the truth u will commit suicide
Palestinians are all Down's Syndrome people and can't help it!;-)
Down's Syndrome. That's harsh, Anon. But who knows? You may be right.
May we all be so happy, well and completely content so that harming anyone, including ourselves, would not even occur to us.
Check this out:
Cool beans, Wasantha. But I don't think it's a white thing. Just my opinion....
Some amazing stats:
Just to show how dim-witted the Palestinian Arabs are, these nitwits have fired a mind-boggling 573 rockets and mortars just to kill 1 Israeli, for the past 15 years. That's absolutely Amazing. Amazingly stupid don't you think.
Even with Rafael's new Iron Dome anti-missile system in operation, the morons STILL fire those missiles, which are not exactly missiles, but more like large fireworks we use for New Year.
Majority of Ashkenazim are White . There are a few on the fence having both White and Middle Eastern Features, but those are the exceptions.
Problem is, some Ashkenazim, deliberately want to disassociate themselves from the concept of "race", and DON'T WANT to be identified as White. But that's THEIR problem. To an outsider (like myself), they are a White.
When Israel was formed in 1948 over 95% of Israeli's were Ashkenazim. But now, they have gone down to about 30 to 35%.
Although Israeli society don't want to talk about race in the open, the embers of race still burns strong underneath, sometimes erupting in the open.
Check out this article if you don't believe me:
Check out this Article which has a poll. Poll gives the result as 56% of people believe that Jews are White:
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with Ashkenazim being White. Nothing wrong with that. What is WRONG, is denying the obvious.
Interesting. Pass this to your friends, Wasantha. I'd like to hear their opinions
If you still don't believe that Ashkenazi Jews are not White, here is the proof, straight from the horse's mouth.
Here is what gud ol Adolf says about his favorite people in Mein Kampf:
"There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanized in external appearance and were so much like other human beings that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only external mark which I recognized as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion."
So, Hilter says the Ashkenazim looked just like any other German and the only way to distinguish them was using his skull cap (kippah) and prayer shawl (tallit).
What do you think now???
In the above post what I meant was "If you still don't believe that Ashkenazi Jews ARE White"...
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